Women Empowerment

Promoting Women’s Empowerment in Rural Areas and Among Vulnerable groups of Women. 

TSSS believes and aligns with the words of General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary:

Countries with greater gender equality experience superior economic growth. Companies with higher numbers of female leaders perform better. Peace agreements that involve women are more long-lasting. Parliaments with increased female representation pass more laws on vital social issues, such as health, education, anti-discrimination, and child support. The evidence is clear: gender equality benefits everyone.”

TSSS has been active in promoting women’s empowerment in rural areas and among vulnerable groups of women. Our social services have positively impacted the lives of thousands of rural women in five districts of Assam, helping to improve their livelihoods and living standards. TSSS has introduced the concept of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) among these women, providing a platform for them to become successful and empowered leaders in their local communities. By understanding the importance and purpose of SHGs and Federations, significant changes have been observed in their cultural, social, and financial aspects.

TSSS has provided numerous trainings, including Livelihood, Kitchen Garden, Women’s Rights, Advocacy and Lobbying, Panchayati Raj, various Government and Block-level schemes, PRI training, animal husbandry training, candle making, bookkeeping, and bank-related training to access loans and other facilities for income generation activities.

After 15 years of empowering rural women, TSSS has witnessed tremendous growth and change among these empowered women. They are now able to stand on their own, speak in public, know their rights, access government schemes, income-generating activities, banks, Panchayats, blocks, and even government departments.

Providing a platform to become successful and empowered leaders in their local communities.