
Promoting sustainable development in rural areas and reducing poverty levels. 

TSSS is dedicated to promoting sustainable development in rural areas and reducing poverty levels by providing better livelihood opportunities and ensuring food security for marginalized farmers. To achieve this goal, TSSS offers various training programs such as good agricultural practices, animal husbandry, and kitchen gardening to small tea farmers groups and marginal farmer groups.

TSSS has established strong linkages with government departments including district administration, KIRSHI VIGAN KENDRA (KVK), ASRLM, NABARD, BLOCK, and PANCHAYATS to enhance support and facilities for marginalized farmers. Farmers producer groups have been formed among farmers to enable them to adopt a more systematic approach to farming and to sell their products in local markets.

TSSS places great emphasis on encouraging marginalized farmers to adopt organic farming practices to improve their income and promote good health. Additionally, TSSS raises awareness about climate change and encourages farmers to preserve and protect the environment.

Enabling to adopt a more systematic approach to farming and to sell their products in local markets